Parallel Arrays
Chapter 8
Two (or more) arrays are called parallel if their corresponding elements hold related information.
Try the following code from the video.
* Example code with three 1D arrays that are parallel that contain:
* Names of specific people
* Ages of specific people
* Heights of specific people
* Because the arrays are parallel,
* for any index name[index], age[index], and height[index]
* are all describing the same person.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
// Find the largest value from an array
int maxValue(const int VALUES[], int length);
// Find the location of the largest value from an array
int maxIndex(const double VALUES[], int length);
// Lookup person's index by name. Return a negative number if not found.
int indexOfName(const string HAYSTACK[], const string& NEEDLE,
int length);
int main ()
const int PEOPLE_COUNT = 6;
// First names
string name[PEOPLE_COUNT] = {
"Michael", "Jessica", "Christopher", "Ashley", "Jairy", "Dondi"
// Age of each person in years old.
int age[PEOPLE_COUNT] = { 21, 17, 44, 45, 70, 65 };
// The height of each person in feet
double height[PEOPLE_COUNT] = { 6.7, 5.5, 6.6, 5.9, 6.5, 5.9 };
int personIndex;
string searchName;
// Display each persons information
cout << setw(12) << "Name" << setw(4) << "Age"
<< setw(7) << "Height" << endl;
for (int index = 0; index < PEOPLE_COUNT; ++index)
cout << setw(12) << name[index]
<< setw(4) << age[index]
<< setw(7) << height[index] << endl;
// Find the oldest person
cout << "The oldest person is " << maxValue(age, PEOPLE_COUNT)
<< " years old." << endl;
// Display information about the tallest person
personIndex = maxIndex(height, PEOPLE_COUNT);
cout << "The tallest person is named " << name[personIndex] << ".\n";
cout << name[personIndex] << " is " << age[personIndex]
<< " years old and "
<< height[personIndex] << "ft tall." << endl;
// Search for a person by name
cout << "Enter a name to look up: ";
cin >> searchName;
// Find the index of the person's name
personIndex = indexOfName(name, searchName, PEOPLE_COUNT);
if (personIndex >= 0 && personIndex < PEOPLE_COUNT)
cout << name[personIndex] << " is " << age[personIndex]
<< " years old." << endl;
cout << searchName << " is not in our database." << endl;
return 0;
int maxValue(const int VALUES[], int length)
// Initially, assert that the first value is the max.
auto max = VALUES[0];
// Check to see if any other value in the array is larger.
for (int index = 1; index < length; ++index)
// Update the max if the the value we are looking at is larger.
if (VALUES[index] > max)
max = VALUES[index];
return max;
int maxIndex(const double VALUES[], int length)
// Initially, assert that the first index is the location of the max.
int maxIndex = 0;
// Check to see if any other index has a larger vlue.
for (int index = 1; index < length; ++index)
// Update maxIndex f we the current location has a larger value.
if (VALUES[index] > VALUES[maxIndex])
maxIndex = index;
return maxIndex;
int indexOfName(const string HAYSTACK[], const string& NEEDLE,
int length)
// Check each location in the array for the search value.
for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index)
// If found, return it's location.
if (HAYSTACK[index] == NEEDLE)
return index;
// If we get here, the value was not found in the array.
// Return an invalid index (something negative).
return -1;
const int CLASS_SIZE = 50;
int studentId[CLASS_SIZE];
char courseGrade[CLASS_SIZE];
// Arrays initialized here...
// Display each student's id and grade
for (int index = 0; index < CLASS_SIZE; ++index)
cout << "The student with id " << studentId[index] << " earned a "
<< couresGrade[index] << " in the class.\n";