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Structs and Array, Together

Chapter 9

Arrays in structs

Suppose we want to store a list of numbers in an array. However, the list may or may not fill up the entire array. We can create a struct for our list where we store the current length (or size) of the list.

  • Two items are associated with a list:

    • Values (elements)
    • Length of the list
  • Define a struct containing both items:

    // Max size of a list
    const int LIST_SIZE = 1000;
     * A data type that holds an array and its length
    struct List
        int values[LIST_SIZE]; // array containing list elements
        int length; // the number of values used in this list
The members of intList after begin declared as a List.
The members of intList after begin declared as a List.


// variable declaration and initialization.
List intList {{}, 0}; // Set values all to 0 and length to 0.

// Set first value to 21.
intList.values[intList.length] = 21;
intList.length++; // update the length to 1

// Set second value to 117.
intList.values[intList.length] = 117;
intList.length++; // update the length to 2
The members of intList after initialization and assigning the first two values.
The members of intList after initialization and assigning the first two values.

structs in Arrays

A common practice is to have arrays of structs. For example,

 * Info about an employee of this company.
struct Employee
    string firstName;
    string lastName;
    int    personID;
    string deptID;
    double yearlySalary;
    double yearToDatePaid;

Employee employees[50]; // variable declaration

// output first names
for (int index = 0; index < 50; ++index)
    cout << employees[index].firstName << endl;

structs within structs

structs may also be members of other structs. For example,

 * A person's name.
struct Name
    string first; 
    string middle;
    string last;

 * A US address.
struct Address
    string streetAddress;
    string city;
    string state;
    int zip;

 * Info record of a customer.
struct Customer
    int id;
    Name name;
    Address shippingAddress;
    Address billingAddress;

Customer newCustomer; = 2000; = "James"; = "Kirk"; = "South Carolina";


  • structs can be members of other structs
  • structs can have array members.
  • Arrays can be of a struct type.